Customer Query

Frequently Asked Question

Delivery Fee Depends on area basis if you are a seller and willing to cooperate with us we can offer you the best rate for that you can contact our support team join@ramnodeqa.com or WhatsApp7476 9222
There are two types of delivery (regular & express )available right now. The first one is regular delivery which is within 24h to 72h but in most cases, its the next day upon receiving the goods from your doorstep the rate is cheaper than the express which is processed within 8 hours upon received from your doorstep.
Yes, our service is designed for small businesses, we help the e-commerce business grow in many dimensions. we make sure your delivery is on time, processing, and quick payment.
we have customer service available in many chancels you may do a direct call , WhatsApp, or email once you joined as a merchant you may have a dedicated support executive if you dont pleases contact 7476 9222 to know more about your customer support executive details .
any legal goods can be delivered by us in small packages to the medium boxes or 3pl we can give you complete logistics support.
Payment will be made on a weekly basis. you will have a dedicated dashboard where you can see all the updates.

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